Today I attended a Mass in the Extraordinary form at my local parish. There were 14 people attending. I was very surprised when I got a call last night telling me about the Mass. We have one of the most liberal priests in the diocese! In fact I very seldom attend there, preferring a much more reverent Mass in a nearby town, or the F.S.S.P. parish about 25 miles away.
The priest, Father Dylan Schrader, is newly ordained (May 22) & this was his 2nd Mass after the really big celebration of his first one yesterday afternoon. He told us the EF Mass is now being taught in the seminaries & how pleased he is that he was able to celebrate both Masses. His grandmother, mother & father were there & his only brother served the Mass. There were several there whom I expected to see, & several I never would have thought would be there! Only 4 of us had a missal, & very few knew the rubrics so at various times there were some sitting, some kneeling & others standing. Hopefully this is the first step in the right direction, & an inspiration to many.
Thanks go to Fr Schrader!
Deo Gratias!!!
I am so impressed!
This along with the news that a very newly ordained friend of mine celebrates an exemplary Mass...
God Bless the new crop of priests. May they long be happy labourers!
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